Jumat, Januari 04, 2008

As I walk through the street..

As I walk through the street, I see people smile.. I see people walk.. I see people yelling.. I see people talk..
So many thing I've been through this year and I started to think. What should I do this year? What will happend this year? I'm still not recognize myself.. Thinking and thinking, i try to rediscover myself..

Who I am?

I'm a little girl who always feel confuse.

Confuse how to decide, confuse how to act.

Who I am?

Little dove that love to fly..

Watching over people, seeing the different sky and different world.

But, please don't come to me if I don't want to. I will runaway from you.. Far.. far.. away..

Come closer slowly, wait until I feel comfort...

And then I will stay still. Stay longer than what you think..

Who am I?

Little floating boat..

Watching on left and right, how cold and how deep..

Don't know where to sail...

Who am I?

Human that not created anything yet..

with big thoughts..

Who am I?

Little girl who love to watch and hug

And like to be wathced and hugged.. ^_^

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